Jesus Knows About Your Shame

“So you believe in me now?” replied Jesus. “The time is coming, indeed, it has already come, when you will be scattered, every one of you going home and leaving me alone. Yet I am not really alone for the Father is with me. I have told you all this so that you may find your peace in me. You will find trouble in the world—but, never lose heart, I have conquered the world!” 

— John 16:31-33 (Phillips)

Dear Pastor, 

Jesus knows about your failure. Take courage. He already overcame it. 

On the night of His arrest, Jesus poured warm and intimate words over His disciples. “I am preparing a place for you,” “I will come again and receive you to Myself”, “I am in My Father, and you in Me, and I in you,” “You did not choose Me, but I chose you,” “the Father Himself loves you.” 

The disciples are awash in his affection. I can see them gathered close around Him in the darkness, their gaze fixed upon this man that has been their world for the past three years. Their hearts are swelling with love and devotion as they soak up not only His words but His very presence among them. They have not understood all that He has spoken to them, but they know they love Him. Their affection bursts out in a bold declaration - “We are sure you know all things…We believe that You came forth from God!” 

Then, in this intimate moment, as they pledge their devotion to Him, Jesus doubts them! “Do you believe in me now?” He goes on to prophesy their imminent failure. “You will be scattered and leave me alone.” It had to be a devastating one-two punch to their self-confidence. The breath is sucked out of them and they stumble back as He continues, “in this world, you will find trouble.” 

In this world, you will find trouble and the greatest of those troubles will be your own failure. 

To endure persecution from others, to overcome adverse circumstances - this you can do with pride, displaying how great your faith is. But when the troubles and tribulations arise from within you, when you fail to live up to your own self-professed devotion…what then? How can you ever face the future with confidence and your head held high?

Pastor, when you have failed, when you fall short of your devotion to Christ, retreat to the only place of lasting peace — Christ’s faithfulness to you. 

Jesus, having called them out, draws them close to Himself again, saying, “I have told you all this so that you may find your peace in me.”  In destroying their self-confidence He is seeking to build in them a Christ-confidence. Your peace cannot be in your track record, your devotion, your faithfulness. The only place of enduring peace is in the joyful knowledge that Christ has overcome the world — including your failure. 

And take note. Jesus said he has conquered the world. Past tense. His victory came before your failure so your failure will never alter His victory. 

Pastor, stand up. Breath in His rich peace. Have boldness, even in your weakest moments. He knew about your failure before it ever happened and He already overcame it.

Grace and Peace,


Artwork: “Christ on the Mount of Olives,” Lodewijk Schelfhout

J. Delton Lehman

Delton and his wife, Charity, live in a small town in eastern America, from which they nurture their children, delight in books, savor coffee, enjoy nature, love their neighbors, and make disciples until the earth is filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord.


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